Accountability Tips

One of the cornerstones of coaching is creating accountability, which is defined as the obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions.  Goals are just dreams unless you’re taking consistent actions to work towards them, which is why personal accountability is so important.  The world is filled with many distractions that are just itching to get your time and attention.  

In the coaching relationship, I help my clients get really clear on their goals and build accountability skills that will help support those goals.  As a coach, I’m a good starting point for creating accountability in the coaching process but this is just the beginning.  It’s my job to help my clients figure out what works best for them in regards to accountability and if I’m doing my job right, I’m helping my clients create accountability that is sustainable and that isn’t dependent on me so they can apply it to all areas of their lives.  

This is very personal, and everyone’s brain works a little differently so I work with my clients to figure out what is going to work for them.  

Here are some ways to create accountability for yourself:

1. Find an accountability buddy

2. Join a support group, group coaching program, or interest group related to your goals

3. Use your calendar (digital or paper) - add milestones, deadlines, and due dates 

4. Use a project planning, to-do, or reminders app (I use Apple Reminders, which helps me so much!)

5. Accountability journal, such as a bullet journal

6. Plan a treat or reward for yourself when you reach a milestone

7. Put up Post-it notes with reminders where you’ll see them

8. Get creative in a coaching session to come up with fun and unique ways to hold yourself accountable

9. Be aware of your distractions so that you can manage them (like social media scrolling, TV, video games, etc)

Do you struggle with accountability?  Schedule a free discovery call to discuss how coaching can help you in this area. 


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